Bitter Truths

1. Whole communicating with someone who is dedicated to half listening means your thoughts will be heard only half way. It is a waste of time. I hate wasted time. I hate wasted words. Save your whole words for people who whole listen. 
2. Refusing others what you demand or expect for yourself makes you an entitled, pompous, frustrating jerk. Period.
3. If your effort and kindness are doled out only according to how much a person is able to do things for you and give you what you want, then you will never know how a true relationship feels because you’ll build connections that are parasitic when true relationships should grow to become symbiotic. You can’t be good for someone if the only time you connect is to get what you want. 
4. If you need an audience to do what is important to be done, you’re an actor. Life is too short. Find your true self and get off the stage. Be that true self and do what you do. Otherwise, go start an acting career and at least get paid for it.

5. Rudeness is a weak way to further frustrate an existing problem. Deal with the problem. Don’t be rude. If it takes rudeness to get your message through, then you have a bigger problem on your hands than whatever issue you’re dealing with at the moment.

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